Few films that I had low expectations and ended up enjoying:
Pride + Prejudice
♥ i was surprised by this film. I had heard of this film before and i was reluctant to watch Kiera in it. Her tendency in peculiar movements of her lips annoy me greatly. Unfortunately, I was more curious about a film that is adapted from Jane Austen's novel and was willing to give it a chance. Hey, it was from the library - who's complaining? After watching the film, I fell in love with the dialogue. it is silently hilarious - also, I enjoyed the human flaws and the struggling to experience affections displayed in the film. Now, I believe this is a film where one could enjoy it so much if one has
low expectations of it. And yes, Kiera still has that mouth thing...
Lila Says, Lila dit ça
a French film. I'm always a sucker for foreign flicks. Lila, a sexual young teenager, explore the games of sexuality - not necessarily by acts. Again, the dialogue was impressive, based on the Lila's character. The ending was predictable but I still throughout enjoyed the movie - raw, realistic sexuality that isn't shown that much those days. Of course, foreign flicks love to explore anything! yay!
Dead or Alive (DOA)
Your typical action flick that's adapted from a video game. Haaa - I love this movie. It reminds me so much of Charlie's Angels with the three rawrr-powered ladies. Silly, slapstick, lame lines, and fun moves = entertained.
The Invisible
I would never watched this if my brother hadn't recommended it. So i tried to patiently watch it. I'm glad I did - the casting are unknown in this movie (except the male leading, he was in Wars of the World which isn't a great thing to know, anyway). The movie is slow, soft, and touching. The story has been told before, but this time, it is taken by a slightly, different approach.
The leading woman, Margarita Levievathe, is an amazing actress. i was drawn to her, especially when she had her hair hidden by cap/hoodie - i could focus on her expressions and the body languages.
one good reason why i enjoyed this film is i had no idea what the movie was about. i have a bad habit of researching intensely about a film before seeing it... ♥